Springfield Holistic Retreat
Springfield Holistic Retreat (SHR) specializes in identifying and removing obstacles that prevent the body to heal on its own. Whether that be physical, spiritual or emotional, we can assist the body to heal itself and empower the client to find their personal road to wellness.
We offer Colon Hydrotherapy, Iridology, Applied Kinesiology, Bio-feedback (EDS), various Energy work, Ion Cleanse Foot Detox and Saunas. A holistic approach is always used because long standing illness is never caused from just one toxin.
The office environment is professional with certified practitioners and the outside setting invites one to feel close to nature and their spirit. We have a full complement of Herbal, Homeopathic and Nutraceutical supplements. We also carry Essential oils and other health related items that pertain to the modalities offered. We are located on 22 rolling acres with the office setting atop a hill overlooking a spring fed lake.
Within walking distance of downtown Davisburg in the NW corner of Oakland county, we are just minutes from I75, exit 93 when traveling North and exit 98 when heading South. Other nearby cities and attractions include Clarkston, Fenton, Holly, Oakland County Fair Grounds, Countless Springflield Township parks and Great Lake Crossing Shopping Center.
Every living thing on Earth is inevitably and unknowingly exposed to toxins daily. In man's quest to make life "easier", he has unwittingly poisoned himself and every other thing that has life. An example of this is our exposure to lead. In the early 1900's lead was added to fuel to make engines more efficient. This one act blanketed the Earth from Pole to Pole in lead. Our bodies, specifically our bones, contain over 100 times more lead than the bones of people that lived prior to leaded gasoline. There are toxins we knowingly expose ourselves to daily in the food we eat and the liquids we drink.
For each one of those we know of, there are hundreds that we are victims of circumstance. If you simply breathe, eat and drink, your body is burdened by thousands of toxins daily that it was never intended to process. It makes no difference whether you are an athlete who feels great or you are the person who is tired and has little energy.

All can benefit from assisting the body in reducing their toxin burden through colonics. To see what environmental hazards may be affecting you, go to www.scorecard.org and type in your zip code of where you live now and where you grew up. You will quickly learn how burdened our bodies are and that all can benefit from reducing this ever present load and potential health danger.
The great news is that regardless of your toxin burden or condition, there is hope. The modalities and supplements offered at Springfield Holistic can aid and support the body to eliminate toxins and help build a healthy body once again. Not only are the practitioners educated in this field, but you will find comfort that they have walk this road themselves and come through the other side. They truly know what you are going through and offer a level of compassion and understanding that only a person that has fought that battle understands. We welcome you to explore the possibility of good health at SHR!