What Is Avatar?
There are many bio-feedback machines on the market today that claim they can automatically determine what is wrong with you and determine what supplements you must take to fix you. One of the problems with these "automatic" machines they are not specific enough. Some require that you put your hand on a sensing device, while others utilize electrodes on the body and try to sense multiple points all at the same time. Today's conditions are very complex, so tools that provide general information are not good enough to produce results that are significant and sustainable. This is why we use the most sophisticated and technological bio-feedback machine on the market.
The AVATAR is used to test clients for energetic imbalances and to find particular remedies that are both beneficial and in harmony with their bodies. The testing is accomplished by the client holding a ground electrode in one hand while the practitioner locates meridian points on the opposite hand and foot. The point are located with a device called a stylist and it looks similar to a large pen. The ground electrode and stylist are connected via wires to a machine that passes a harmless 1.5 mv current between them and then measures the resistance through the body from the ground to the point touched by the stylist. Dozens of points are tested and data is collected at each point. The data collected from these points are then pulled into a program and sorted so that they can be compared to each other.

The Avatar with Wave front machine
Analyzing the data, areas of compromise can be determined and the priority point ascertained. The priority point is then used to test various supplements and remedies specific for particular health conditions. The AVATAR allows one to have best opportunity of finding what is the true cause or source of the underlining condition. Many clients are told by other practitioners that their problem is yeast or some other opportunistic pathogen that is always present when a person is immune compromised. To get to the real source of illness, the proper tools must be used and the AVATAR is one of them.
We also utilize a
Wave Front machine that interfaces with the AVATAR. The Wave Front gives the practitioner the ability to make specific homeopathic dilutions for the client's condition. It even allows the use of body secretions, such as tears, saliva, urine and mucus to be energetically inverted into the remedy. By saying inverted, we mean that the energetic signal of the pathogen found in the secretion is flipped 180 degrees and broadcast into the remedy so as to cancel the energetic signal of the pathogen. This is no different than if two same sized water waves approached each other and collided while one was cresting and the other was in a trough. The result is that they will completely cancel each other out. This is the goal of say inverting saliva from a client found to have Mycoplasma into a
Mycoplasma homeopathic remedy to make the remedy very specific to the client and their strain of the pathogen. This makes the remedy better suited for the client and usually results in faster and more complete resolutions of their condition.
The basic concept for all ElectroDermal screening devices was the invention of Dr. Reinhardt Voll, who in the 1940's, discovered that the electrical resistance of the human body is not homogenous and that meridians existed over the body which may be demonstrated as electrical fields. Furthermore, he showed that the skin is a semi-insulator to the outside environment. Voll, a German medical doctor and acupuncturist, was very familiar with both human anatomy and meridians, so it made him the perfect candidate to make such a discovery. By the 1950's Voll had learned that the body had at least 1000 points on the skin which followed the 12 lines of the classical Chinese meridians. Each of these points, Voll called a
Measurement Point (MP). Working with an engineer, Fritz Werner, Voll created an instrument to measure the skin resistance at each of the acupuncture points, patterned after a technique called
Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR). This was named Point Testing.
In 1953, Voll had established the procedure that became known as
Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll (EAV) it includes two parts:
- The first part was point testing in which a conductance measurement was taken in selected acupuncture points.
- The second part was the establishment of a balance of the points and conductance by the use of feedback medicine. This became known as Medicine Testing.
Later, these acupuncture points were investigated and were considered to be information access windows and the assumption was made that the health status of an organ will affect the concentrations of the ions at the measurement points along the meridian. It was considered that inflammation of an organ may cause increase ion concentration and the increase of ions enhances the flow of electrons causing resistance to decrease while the conductance ay increase. On the other hand, a degeneration of an organ may cause decrease in ion concentration that hinders the flow of electrons, so as the resistance increase conductance decreased.

Dr. Reinhardt Voll
During the procedure of ElectroDermal analysis the body becomes an integral part of a closed circuit. The conductance circuit touches two areas on the body being tested. In the first point of contact, the ground electrode is held in the palm of the opposite hand to be tested. In the second place the test probe touches the specific acupuncture or conductance pint on skin. After completing this closed circuit, a known amount of electric current is emitted from the instrument through the probe. The instrument then measures the conductance from baseline to peak and return to baseline through the conductance point that is being tested by the probe. This represents a dynamic conductance value.
In 1955 Voll built the first instrument and originated the nomenclature, which as been in existence for most of the present day analytic equipment. Normal refers to an arbitrary value of 50, which is the resistance value of 0.0001 Ohms. The existence of values over 65 indicated to Voll, an active irritation or "Itis" and the readings of below 50 indicted a degenerative phenomenon or "Osis". Moreover, it was noted that the indicator may rise and then fall to a lower value and this was called the "Indicator Drop". The term "Balancing" was coined by early practitioners when the drug tested balanced the meridian energy. The current concept of meridians represent the lines of energy that pass through organ systems, but do not necessarily represent a functional of pathological disturbance in those organ systems.
Dr Reinhard Voll demonstrated that medicine, if chosen correctly, could change the readings to a more normal level.
This discovery suggested that not only could the right medicine for each patient be selected, but at the most effective strength.
Voll discovered that the resistance of the body is not homogenous, all meridians show electrical fields, meridians were a product of the body's energy and the skin is a semi-insulator to the external environment.

Dr. George Goodheart
Dr. Voll also worked with a great Detroit area Chiropractor named George Goodheart. Dr. Goodheart is regarded as the modern day inventor of "Hands On" Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) and
discovered reflex points and testing techniques.
Voll and Goodheart would compare notes and both developed their own systems, but believed in the basic premise of each other's work. One of Voll students simplified his original physically massive diagnostic system and created a smaller more portable one called the Vegatest. Other devices followed, including Accupath 1000, Asyra, Avatar, QXC and so on.
The testing procedure was originally known as:
Electro Acupuncture according to Voll (EAV). Today it is know by many other names including:
- Electro Dermal Screening (EDS),
- Electro Dermal Testing (EDT),
- Bioelectric Functions Diagnosis (BFD),
- Bio Resonance Therapy (BRT) and many more.
Many double blind studies have been conducted and the systems are repeatable when well-trained operators test the same clients in a given day.
The systems have been around for nearly 60 years and as with most things, get a little better as time goes on. The AVATAR is at the leading edge of technology, but still simple enough to get good
repeatable results. This is why we use the AVATAR as we feel it is the best on the market.