What Is Energy?
The energy work we use at SHR is a combination of Polarity Reconnection, Meridian Tracing, Chakra Spread, Light Healing Touch and Cranial Sacral.

Polarity Chart
Polarity Therapy embraces Bodywork, Counseling, Dietary advice and a system of exercises known as Polarity Yoga. To describe the correspondences of all the 5 elements is beyond the scope of this article but some of the correspondences of the Fire element include: the Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura), Metabolism (including the Digestive system and muscular metabolism), Sight, Motivation, Vitality, Laughter, Joy, Anger; foods that need sun to ripen (e.g. grains) or have a bitter taste.
Meridian Tracing One very simple method to enhance the balance of energy flow in the body is to "trace" the meridians. Our hands, like the meridians, carry electromagnetic energy and can thus act as magnets that will move the flow of energy through the body as we trace them along the meridian pathways. This quick and effective technique can be easily learned by anyone, making it a wonderful adjunct to strengthen other therapies.
Meridian Flow Chart
Benefits of Tracing the Meridians
Keeps the energy flowing throughout the body
Releases & prevents congestion along the body's energetic pathways.
Relieves stress and removes stagnant and toxic energies.
Brings in fresh energy and vitalizes the energetic pathways of the body.
Strengthening the meridians can have a direct impact on the health and vitality of the corresponding organs and systems of the body

Chakra Spread
Chakra Spread is a powerful technique used in Healing Touch. Through this process, the body's chakras are gently opened to produce deep healing. It is frequently used for people in severe pain, under stress or during a life transition.
Many times physical conditions are a related to trauma (physical and emotional) that cause imbalances in our energetic field, especially when the trauma is experienced as a child and one does not have adequate emotions and expression to deal with the situation. A great example is a young girl spills a glass of milk at the table and she is punished and humiliated for being clumsy. She soon develops an allergy to dairy that plaques her all her life and cannot figure out why. The body has rejected dairy because it cannot deal with the emotional trauma as experience by a young girl, despite the fact she is now a grown woman and could easily deal with a similar situation without issue.

Parasympathetic fight or flight response
Energy work can allow the body to let go of such events so that the body can process, heal and move forward. When all the energetic aspects of the body are open, they can release and purge such events. When the body is locked down and in parasympathetic (fight or flight} the physical condition will constantly be in an endless repeating loop until the energetic field is opened up and given the opportunity to repair. People with long standing chronic conditions can greatly benefit from these sessions. Clients lie on a massage table fully clothed and typically fall asleep during the 1:15 minute session and usually wake to feel well rested and at peace with themselves. The results vary from client to client, but many feel it is a critical part to their healing journey.